Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Unit 3 Discussion Board 2

Author C. Clarke predicted the ipad and online newspapers in 1968. Author C, Clark collaborated on a film call A Space Odyssey. In this film the astronauts are reading a newspaper on something that resembles the ipad today.  If that is not enough to credit Author C. Clarke for predicting the ipad and online newspapers, The name Author gave the device seals the deal. Author stated he would have to plug in his Neswspad in to the ships circuit to retrieve the latest product reports.  Author would find the newspaper from earth send it to his newpad and then zoom to a confortable reading size. When finished he could move from that newspaper to another newspaper in a flash. Author’s predictions were so close when Apple Samsung sewed Samsung for patent use this prediction to show where apple may have infringement as well. This case is still pending in US courts.

One Force that impact is success would b e the social aspect of faster reliable communication. The search for more information faster, Most people would read the newspaper to understand what is happening in their area and around the world, The faster people could retrieve this information the more popular this device would be. A faster and more reliable means of communication is a constant search in society this invention helped speed up reliable communication.

Another Force would be globalizing a way of communication. With a device like this the world can communicate in minutes. This would make the flow of information faster and less expensive. Without this device the only way to communicate to someone overseas would be to use the phone and call a long distance number this call would cost by the minute and can become very costly. This device solved this problem for the modern citizen.

The search for more information faster, Most people would read the newspaper to understand what is happening in their area and around the world, The faster people could retrieve this information the more popular this device would be. Clarke for predicting the ipad and online newspapers, The name Author gave the device seals the deal. Author would find the newspaper from earth send it to his newpad and then zoom to a confortable reading size.

Floorwalker, M. (2013, March 15). Arthur C. Clarke. Retrieved November 4, 2015, from

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